Webinar graphic - 7 Steps Social Media

Are you thinking about diving into social media in 2018 to attract and engage with new customers?

Social media can be a powerful tool for businesses to Attract, Connect, and Convert Clients, if done correctly.

Not sure where to start though?

It all starts with a strategy! If not, social media is just a fun way to kill time.

To help you create a killer social media strategy, join me on this free webinar to learn seven steps to create a social media strategy that attracts clients.

You’ll learn:

  • What objectives are most important at this stage of your business
  • How to identify the right customers and where to find them online
  • How important it is to define your key messages, including call-to-actions
  • The system you need to turn fans into prospects
  • Best Practices to engage on social media

So, register here to join me on December 7th at noon CST to start planning to attract, connect and convert more clients using social media marketing in 2018.

Register for Social Media Webinar